Archaeo-optics in Orkney Day 10: A visit to Stromness Museum

We both love Stromness Museum. There's so much packed in there, from John Rae's legacy to recent re-discoveries from Skara Brae. There just so happened to be an exhibition of finds from excavations at the remarkable Neolithic sites at the Ness of Brodgar...

Included was this block of stone which displays an artificial hourglass shaped hole. Now, wouldn't that make a perfect aperture for optical projection! It's always interesting how we think about things in new ways when following a new line of investigation.

 < Click here to visit Stromness Museum online


Archaeo-optics in Orkney Day 12: A stormy coastal walk at Birsay


Archaeo-optics in Orkney Day 9: Success! Our first sunrise projected inside Cuween Hill cairn