Visiting rock art sites at Lordenshaw, Northumberland
There are dozens of cup and ring marked rocks across the moorland area known as Lordenshaw, not far from Rothbury. Having just walked between a series of Bronze Age cairns set along the ridgeline of the nearby Simonside Hills, I thought it might be insightful to visit the nearby rock art in the low sunlight of early evening.
Above: The main panel of cup and ring mark at Lordenshaw, with views across Coquetdale to the Cheviot Hills (Photo: Aaron Watson, 2017)
Above: The largest rock art panel at Lordenshaw with the Simonside Hills rising beyond (Photo: Aaron Watson, 2017)
Above: An elevated image of the Lordenshaw panel captured by attaching my camera to a pole (Photo: Aaron Watson, 2017)
Above: Not far from the main panel at Lordenshaw is an outcrop known as Horseshoe rock (Photo: Aaron Watson, 2017)
Above: The Horseshoe rock with views to the Cheviot Hills (Photo: Aaron Watson, 2017)