Excavating rock art in Strath Tay day 3: More cobbles and a cup mark


Above: Appraising the previous days excavation (Photo: Aaron Watson, September 2018)


Above: Trowelling begins (Photo: Aaron Watson, September 2018)


Above: The setting of the dig upon a raised mound, with views across Strath Tay (Photo: Aaron Watson, September 2018)


There is a moment of excitement when Ronnie uncovers a new material at one edge of the trench. Soon after, and not far away, we find modern iron slag which suggests that this location was a site of industry at some stage in its history. As had been suggested by the radiocarbon dates from 2017, this site was disturbed long after the cup and ring marks were made.

Above: Towards one side of the trench, Ronnie reveals a patch of burnt material. But is it ancient? (Photo: Aaron Watson, September 2018)


Above: While digging around low exposures of rock, the low sun reveals a previously unknown cup mark (Photo: Aaron Watson, September 2018)


Above: The trench is framed by a late afternoon rainbow (Photo: Aaron Watson, September 2018)


The 2018 excavations in Strath Tay were co-directed by Richard Bradley and Aaron Watson, assisted by Ronnie Scott and Moyra Simon. Many thanks to the landowner and estate staff for their support.


Excavating rock art in Strath Tay day 4: Cleaning back the main trench


Visiting rock art with television presenter Paul Murton for BBC TV